Bowing to extreme pressure from a handful of mad scientists (mad, that is, at the loss of income and prestige that the inexorable collapse of the Great Lie entails), the managing director of Copernicus scientific publishers, a formless lump of lard by the name of Rasmussen, has killed a promising new journal, Pattern Recognition in Physics.
The appalling Rasmussen’s monstrous reason for this 21st-century equivalent of Nazi-era book-burning? In a single glancing reference, the 19 authors who had contributed to a gripping special issue about planetary tidal influences on solar activity, edited by professor Mörner, had dared to dance in church.
The 19 eminent scientist who had co-written the dozen learned papers in the special issue had suggested – tell it not in Gath and Ashkelon – that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a racketeer-influenced criminal organization headquartered in Switzerland (which conveniently has no RICO statute ...
Unlike Galileo, who also got into trouble over the theological implications of the interaction between the Sun and the planets, professor Mörner did not even get a trial in front of the Holy Inquisition. For the Thermageddon Cult is, to its very roots, instinctually Communist...
So The Borg assimilated the Copernicus scientific publishing house instead. They made it clear to the rabbit in charge that unless he kowtowed, conformed, submitted, obeyed and toed the line he would have his reputation destroyed just as They always try to destroy the reputations of any who have been curious enough to ask questions about the New Dogma.
There is only one reasonable conclusion to be drawn from the above passages. The Age of Reason and Enlightenment is over. The Dark Ages are back.
But I am not taking this one lying down. I shall take over the journal. Here is a mock-up of the front cover: