Wednesday, September 11, 2024


"In a little over a month… nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge including a trio of piglets with their ears and tails cut off , a baby rat tied up in a bag,  a decapitated chicken and a dead dog with its neck snapped… alongside 
statuettes of Hindu deities and a trio of prayer flags...

The US Supreme Court upheld the right to animal sacrifice on religious grounds in a 1993 ruling. "

Saturday, September 7, 2024

                          NO SCORE AND SEVEN YEARS AGO

When General Gage and his Redcoat army landed to take over Boston in the aftermath of the Tea Party, John Adams did not greet him with a platter of macaroons and corn dodgers to declare:

"I, for  one,  welcome  our  new alien overlords." 

Nor did the nation's Founders convene in 1787 to proclaim:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form diverse Efforts to change social Norms and establish Opportunities and Strategies to promote Behavior Change  ...
Yet that's what Obama's  Presidential Science Advisor John Holdren articulated in 2016 in an oration worthy of Brave New World or Coneheads , delivered  to an auditorium full of young Federal  bureaucrats looking  for  new turf to conquer, and citizens to rule:
"As  President  Obama  noted in his Executive Order 13707, behavioral  science  insights  can  support  a  wide  range of national priorities including ... accelerating the transition to a low carbon economy. 
That Executive Order, 13707, directs Federal agencies to apply behavioral science insights to their policies and programs, and it institutionalizes  the Social and Behavioral Science Team...The adminstration is releasing new guidance to agencies that supports continued implementation of
The Behavioral Science Insights Executive Order. 

John's performance begot two National Academy of Sciences reports:

The  "new guidance"  of  Executive  Order  13707  still applies  to every department of government, and requires  the Department of Defense to report back to the White House Social and Behavioral  Sciences Team at regular intervals, as to how the armed forces are being remodeled in accord with the executive guidance of an order that remains one signed by the Commander In Chief.

No advocates of  The Precautionary Principle at  the  National Academies -- and  there  are  many ,  have  so far stepped forward to ask if it applies to the warning given the 1787 Constitutional  Convention  by Yale  Professor Roger Sherman ,of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence: 
 “If the Executive can model the army, he    may set up an absolute government.” 
A fear  General Washington astutely echoed in his 1796 farewell address, when he  warned  the nation to:
avoid the necessity of those overgrown... establishments  which, under any form of government,  are inauspicious to liberty.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


The Heritage Foundation 2025 PROJECT has embraced the CO2 Coalition's NEW climate COLORING BOOK, THE WORK OF DR. WILL HAPPER & GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE

    The white mustachE belongs to Wrightstone, 
    FRACKING ARTISTE AND  Fishy avatar of the Coalitions's efforts to educate grades K through 6 in the facts of climate life IN AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE WHERE bananas grow in greenhouses, worms are insects, ALBERT EINSTEIN STICKS HIS TONGUE OUT, and  ONLY fossil fuels CAN SAVE us from CO2 starvation

    While this PRODUCTION has won applause from the American Petroleum Institute and The Federalist Society,  some scientists born after the War of 1812 have expressed reservations about Happer & Wrightstone's pitch


           13 Years before asking in

    James Delingpole told Royal Society President Sir Paul Nurse 

    “It is not my job to sit down and read peer-reviewed papers because I simply haven’t got the time" 

    That presumably includes the vastly larger literature confirming CO2 warming since Queen Victoria's science advisor Sir William Tyndall  demonstrated it experimentally five generations ago, and which has since generated a peer-reviewed consensus  even a committed  ignoramus  like Dellers  can  understand:

    Untroubled by his lack of reading, Delingpole went on to assure Daily Telegraph  readers:

    “…the Warmist faith so fervently held and promulgated by the Met Office is exactly the same faith so passionately, unswervingly followed by ( Prime Minister) David Cameron, Chris Huhne, Greg Barker, the Coalition’s energy spokesman in the Lords Lord Marland, and all but five members of the last parliament. 

    And also by the BBC, (King Charles), almost every national newspaper, the European Union, the Royal Society, the New York Times, CNBC, the Obama administration, the Australian and New Zealand governments, your children’s schools, our major universities, our minor universities, the University of East Anglia, your local council”¦ Truly there just aren’t enough bullets!

    Thursday, August 29, 2024


    Edge Effects is produced the Center for Culture, History, and Environment (CHE), a research center within the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studiesat the University of Wisconsin–Madison. 

    Who is Killing

    the Glaciers? 

    From Glacier Funerals

     to Glacier Autopsies


    Memorials for Dead Glaciers 

    Clark, dead. Pizol, dead. Okjökull, dead. A recent string of mountaintop deaths has inspired a new ceremony: glacier funerals… they have been prominently mourned under international spotlight. The spectacle of glacier funerals provokes an important question: do they actually inspire action, accountability, and justice? 

    Glacier memorials first kicked off in Iceland in August 2019, when about 100 people clamored up a mountainside to mourn the death of Okjökull— Icelandic glaciologist Oddur Sigurdsson pulled a death certificate from his backpack. He announced the cause of the glacier’s demise: “excessive heat” and “humans.”  

    Following Okjökull’s memorial, concerned citizens and scientists laid other glaciers to rest, including the Pizol Glacier in Switzerland in 2019 and the Clark Glacier in Oregon in 2020...The organizer, Anders Carlson, collected a vial of meltwater from this Cascades glacier, which he said had become “a rotting carcass of its former self.” He then put the vial into a coffin, draped it with black cloth, and positioned it in front of the stark-white state capitol building in Salem


    Glacier funerals inspire stories through an intense blend of melancholia, urgency, and spectacle. Tearful mourners under black veils stand alongside “Demand Climate Action Now” pickets. News articles showcase dramatic images of funeral processions..but fail to explain what drives the “glacier apocalypse”. 

    They don’t tap into the justice-focused ice work, like in cryopolitics or cryogenics or the ice humanities... In short, glacier funerals evade a key question: Do glaciers just die, or are they killed? 

    Who is Killing the Glaciers? 

    Alongside the vast body of research showing the environmental injustices of climate change impacts, a different branch of research works to identify the culprits causing glacier deaths...

    Science journalist Jane Hu explains attribution science with a helpful analogy: “Just as medical researchers can study how smoking cigarettes changes people’s risk of lung cancer by comparing data from smokers and nonsmokers, attribution scientists compare events on our planet with those on a hypothetical ‘Planet B,’ one that is untouched by greenhouse gas emissions.” While attribution research may not yet be fully utilized by all climate scientists, it has evolved enough over the last decade to pinpoint the effects of human-caused climate change. For example, attribution science has been used to show that climate change has worsened spring frosts that damage vineyards in France and that Hurricane Harvey in Texas had 18% more rain as a result of anthropogenic warming. 

    What we ultimately need are stories that ignite change...a more precise glacier autopsy—one with a detailed accounting of the causes and culprits behind the death of ice—is critical. Attribution science, climate accountability, carbon inventories, and climate litigation can inject responsibility into stories about glacier funerals. Accountability is an important step toward climate justice, and stories that foreground accountability recast people from sentimental, agent-less stories about melting glaciers as culprits, victims, and fighters. 

    Friday, August 23, 2024


    The Oxford Student  26 APRIL  2019  Michael Culbert 

    The Wilberforce Club hosted an Alien themed drinks event in St Giles’ Church on 10th May in honour of the Oxford academic Dr Young-hae Chi,  who has spoken and written about the presence of invisible aliens in our society, interbreeding with humans and correlated with climate change.

    The Wilberforce Club … with a stated mission “to spread and promote a free society in which freedom of thought and speech is unrestricted” ... described the event as ... “basically a bop in a church” according to the organisers.

    They also advised attendees, “[d]on’t come expecting any intellectual discussion” in what they branded as “the weirdest (and hopefully not the worst) experience you’ve ever had in a church”.

    are invisible aliens inter-breeding  with humans ?   

    9 MAY 2019

    An Oxford Oriental Institute researcher believes changing climate and alien abductions are strongly correlated, and that aliens sharing our biosphere are acting to overcome the effects of climate change.

    Dr Young-hae Chi, an Advaita Vedanta Semiotic Gaze meditation practitoner, has asked 
    The Oxford Union to debate the subject, a request so far declined.

    He has been researching a variety of subjects in parapsychology, with special emphasis on the phenomena of alien abduction and the survival of death in conjunction with environmental crises.

    Chi cites ‘abduction researcher’ David Jacobs, who thinks the aliens’ primary purpose is to colonize the earth by interbreeding, and according to whom, second generation ‘hybrids’  already walk among us unobserved.

    Dr Chi believes that there are four types of aliens:

    •  small; 
    • tall and bold;  
    • aliens with scales and snake eyes;
    •  insect-like aliens. 

     He says :

     “One possibility is that they find our DNA valuable for the preservation of the stock. Secondly, to create species which can survive in the future climate conditions…Thirdly, some abductees report that these hybrids are of a very high intelligence, so are they producing these hybrids as a problem-solver, a future leader?” 


    Monday, August 12, 2024


    Three centuries ago, Grigory Potemkin kickstarted advertising by decorating a string of  riverside villages along the route of Catharine The Great's tour of her newly conquered Cossack lands along the Dniepr  One grew into the Ukrainian town of Zaporizhzhia, site of Europe's largest nuclear power plant, a six-pack of billion-watt reactors cooled by two giant towers and the river itself.

    Now another great advertising genius, Vladimir Putin, has distracted the world from Ukraine's invasion of Kursk by once more making Zaporizhzhia a center of bamboozlement. 

    Without an atom being split, Putin's PR shock troops have lit a giant diesel and tire fire on  the football field sized floor within one hollow concrete tower, creating a soot plume worthy of Chernobyl or Nagasaki.

    While Anarchists like Bakunin viewed terror as the propaganda of the deed, Putin has gone with deep disinformation:  a tire pyre burning inside an idle cooling tower next to a shut-down nuclear reactor may be little more than a public nuisance, but  a video of it is enough to scare the bejesus out of a billion TikTok viewers watching the soot rise on their cel phones.

    Tuesday, August 6, 2024



    In 2016 White House Chief of Staff John Podesta commissioned PR firm Abiani & Lehane LLC   to vilify Republicans using  



    to brand any Clinton-Biden agenda critic as a 'social misanthrope' 

    "From:  To:  
    Date: 2014-01-28 14:37 Subject: Follow-up   
    John -- 
    Really nice seeing you last week... .
    Per your request, attached is a memorandum outlining a possible unifying approach for the Administration when it comes to climate... 
    the specific material requested(a range of so-called "frames"...written so as one could just cut and paste... to provide some strategic thinking on the politics of climate ... 

    We hope this is helpful and stand ready to support whatever you may need... Break a leg (or a hand, as the case may be) tonight.

    Best,      Christopher Lehane


    Thank you for asking us to share some ideas for a holistic approach to climate. Per your direction, the goal is to unify policy, politics, and communications ...

    The unifying theory is best expressed by this basic principle: If the effort to change public opinion on climate change is animated by the same one-off policies and practices that are employed to change public opinion on most other policy issues, then defeat is inevitable...

    To achieve victory, we must treat climate change as... a true political social movement to create change...
     Fully leveraging ... Biblical superstorms, extreme droughts, and historic wildfires...

    The concept must be big; it must be simple; and it must 'lean in' 
    to where the public is inclined to go ... The Big Idea would be the communications prism, the emotional touchstone, and the policy hub for all climate-related policies...

    × Dialectic. At the end of the day... one needs to have an organizing platform that defines ... the opposition as morally responsible for an issue that threatens the health and welfare of the American people. TR had the plutocrats. FDR fought Fascism. LBJ took on poverty. And Reagan had the Soviets...

    × Anti-Basic Science... The power of this approach is that it ... fits into what we call the Troglodyte Narrative  
    (anti-women; anti-Latino; anti-gun safety; anti-common sense fiscal policy; and anti-science) that is raising basic trust issues for the Republican Party ...

    × Frame climate as... You either are a member of our society or you are a social misanthrope (i.e., litterer, smoker around a pregnant women, etc.).

    The Winning Principles 

    - ending royalties to the most profitable companies in the world and sending the money back to the public as a tax break

    - solar panels along our public roads that would reduce energy costs for all Americans

    - barring or limiting utilities from charging fees to consumers who put solar panels on their domiciles

    - improved drinking water standards

    - significantly enhanced liabilities for companies that pollute water or pollute lands with pipeline/rail leaks

    - asthma protections; establishment of a significant liability health and safety protocol related to fracking

    - banning political contributions from entities that receive federal funding, permits or tax benefits related to public lands

    - stronger consumes protection on gas prices to protect against refiners and distributors manipulating the supply lines

    - protecting consumers from hot gas

    × Briefing on the Big Idea to each and every Department/Agency. And then require that they... be held accountable and responsible.

    × Weekly meeting with each agency’s point person and the White House point person.

    × White House point person coordinates all activity with the White House communications office.

    × Establishment of an extreme weather SWAT team..."