The Mercalli Scale Rises To The Challenge of Existential threat Inflation
I No effect
I No effect
II Noticed
only by sensitive people
III Resembles traffic
IV Walkers take notice; lights swing
V Sleepers
awakened; bells ring
VI Trees sway, cans fall from shelves
VII General
alarm, cracking of walls
VIII Chimneys
fall, some building damage
IX Ground cracks, houses shift, pipes break
X Ground
deeply cracked, cathedrals collapse
XI Suspension bridges destroyed
XII No buildings left standing; objects thrown in air
XIII Tree trunks
pulped, car tires flattened
XIV Mormon missionaries defect to Temple of Poseidon
XV Al Gore
changes telethon topic
XVI Shoes destroyed, cats burst into flames
XVII Ground waves strike passing aircraft
XVIII Marble emits CO2, quartz turns to sand