The gist of the theory is that a comet killed off North America's Ice Age megafauna, and flattened the Clovis culture. Undaunted by the failure of further field studies to confirm his ideas, Thompson has upstaged Edward Cayce with a 159 page bibliography of signs in the heavens and stratigraphic layers containing nanodiamonds so small that only the catastrophically pure of heart can see them.
I confess I was utterly charmed by Thompson's colleague Allen West's 2007 claim that the mammoths were shot dead by a meteor shower, a bar magnet having revealed birdshot sized bits of rust embedded in the upper surfaces of fossil tusks.
Alas for Editor Watts, this wondrous blast from the past did not survive for long. The particles of purported shrapnel seen seven years ago burned up in the heated atmosphere of peer review, the cosmic tuskers having overlooked the geological ubiquity of iron.
With so much magnetite underfoot, the late great mammoths rooted about at far greater risk of getting bits stuck in their ivories than being whacked by a meteorite.