In focusing on the plight of the poor, Pope Francis' climate crusade ignores a grave consequence of energy impoverishment:
Laudatio Si fails to mention that life in Low Carbon Emission Nations tends to be short.
Every part per million annual increase in CO2 requires the global burning of fuel enough to produce three quarters of a tonne of CO2 per capita. Many nations exceed this criterion-- Americans emit over 20 tonnes each, Israelis 10, and even though handicapped by Gaulist nuclear electricity, the French manage to consume a respectable 6 tonnes of fossil carbon a year.
Some states take Earth Day more seriously. The Vatican, at least in theory, became the first carbon-neutral nation in 2008, by offsetting its emissions with wholesale acrorn planting in Hungary and Rumania.
But if UNEP is to be believed, Christendom faces hot competition from paynimry. Some green banner waving Muslims in belt extending from Afghanistan to Somalia burn less fossil fuel in a lifetime than Europeans or Americans do in a year.
The citizens of some proud LCEN's appear to exhale more CO2 than they produce by burning fossil fuels, and they carry the Green banner even farther forward by limiting lifetime emissions: Least Carbon Emitting Nation citizens drop dead decades earlier than residents of lands afflicted with more materialistic lifestyles.
The citizens of some proud LCEN's appear to exhale more CO2 than they produce by burning fossil fuels, and they carry the Green banner even farther forward by limiting lifetime emissions: Least Carbon Emitting Nation citizens drop dead decades earlier than residents of lands afflicted with more materialistic lifestyles.
CO2 per capita Life Lifetime CO2
Kg/Year Expectancy tonnes
Sudan 287 50.3 14.4
Zambia 204 38.5 7.9
Ethiopia 103 50.4 5.2
Afghanistan 29 43.9 1.3
Chad 13 48.3 0.6
Somalia 3 50.7 0.15
Kg/Year Expectancy tonnes
Sudan 287 50.3 14.4
Zambia 204 38.5 7.9
Ethiopia 103 50.4 5.2
Afghanistan 29 43.9 1.3
Chad 13 48.3 0.6
Somalia 3 50.7 0.15
Some may find the UN 's contention that Somali's burn six ounces of fossil fuel a month unsustainable, but it has a certain internal logic. It is mighty warm in Somalia in June.
Still, the IAEA stats show the problem is not unique to Islam:
CO2 per capita KG Life Expectancy Lifetime Emission of CO2
- USA 20,000 80.1 1602.0
- Paraguay 742 78.0 57.8
- Angola 505 38.6 19.5
- Sudan 287 50.3 14.4
- Zambia 204 38.5 7.9
- Ethiopia 103 50.4 5.2
- Rwanda 63 50.1 3.2
Cambodia 39 63.4 2.5
Afghanistan 29 43.9 1.3
Chad 13 48.3 0.6 - Somalia 3 50.7 0.15