Monday, September 5, 2016

GEONTOLOGY FOR DUMMIES: 'The Banality Of Contradiction'

If you had a hard time following geontology in Science & Space, you need to catch up on your recent Critical Climate Theory readings. To secure a place at the post-Anthropocene conversation table, you need to read the literature- here's what I'm perusing to get in shape for Bruno Latour's next Harvard discourse on Anthropocene semiotics  :

"Being able to think about
the banality of contradiction
is a really important scene for
thinking LGBTQ politics." 

March 2013

From experiments to contradictions in climate change governance, in  ‘Contradiction, intervention and the low carbon transition, January 2016

A Call for Scholarly Propaganda: Or what can we Learn from Thomas Friedman?, April 2014

The more-than-real and the Anthropocene : More-than-real renegotiation of power relations in  climate  change  institutional  transformation  in  Australia, March 2016

Wet ontologies, fluid spaces: giving depth to volume through oceanic thinking, April 2015

From toxic wreck to crunchy chic: environmental gentrification through the body, March 2015

Animal performativity: exploring the lives of donkeys in Botswana,  November 2015

Zapatismo: other geographies circa 'the end of the world' December 2015