a decade of continuous bloviation "15, 559 Posts and 1,902,684 Comments & 291,103,411Views" or ~ 18,700 per post, giving Tony's own private denialosphere a population rivaling The Church of Scientology and nearing 1/10th of one percent of those who revere Rush Limbaugh as a science guru.
Watts first decade in the Climate Wars has yielded a magisterial 15,559 page body of bloggerel available to masochists in PDF as:
Along with the usual suspects , the magnanimous meteorologist and White House Weather Station Paint Color Advisor wishes to thank :
'Dr. James Hansen (who started this whole mess),
Dr. Gavin Schmidt (who continues the mess Hansen started, er, well maybe, Trump might fire his egotistical ass),
Al Gore (who turned it into a business),
Joe Romm (who turned it into a hateful political mess),
Dr. Peter Gleick (who showed us that crime doesn’t pay),
David Appell (who showed us that condescending people can have a nice side too),
William Connolley (whose acidic condescending behavior ruined hundreds of Wikipedia pages, and shows none of the occasional kindness David Appell shows),
David Suzuki (who proved that you can scare children with Santa Claus climate stories),
Nick Stokes (who has shown us that unrelenting pig-headedness can be a virtue, but has displayed occasional kindness),
Ken Rice (and then there’s Physics, who has proven that one can have a degree in Astronomy, and still be dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to climate),
Eli Rabbett (aka Dr. Joshua Halpern, who demonstrated a 10+ year fascination with snark and an invisible rabbit),
disgraced former IPPC Chairman and apparent sex fiend Rajenda Pacahuri (who showed us that even Nobel prize winners can be scumbags while telling us we are practicing “voodoo science” for pointing out flaws in AR5) and last, and most certainly least,
Dr. Michael Mann (who led the way downward in science with small-minded thinking, pettiness, statistical murder, Nature tricks, and obfuscation).'