On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated the fact that none of President Trump’s properties in the path of Hurricane Irma were damaged by the storm shows that God doesn’t exist.
Maher said, “But here’s the most amazing thing of all, amid all the destruction in the path of that hurricane, neither Mar-a-Lago, nor Trump’s estate in St. Martin’s, nor any of his golf courses in the path got damaged at all. They all escaped almost completely unscathed, which just goes to show something I have always believed, there is no God.”
Trump has multiple properties in the region affected by the hurricane. NONE of them are damaged. REMARKABLE.
Maher says there is no god. Random chance spared all those properties. At random. Really big storm. Random.
I think it's far more likely God's having a great laugh at the expense of arrogant naysayers by smiling on Donald Trump
Amen ...God Bless Donald Trump and America
Absolutely divine protection. Every luke warm christian should rejoice that God, the one true living God, protected and blessed his servant Trump.
He has given us a sign so we know Trump is allied with good.
Hrc was evil.
Loved witchcraft, spirit cooking, all sexual deviants, isis, lies, murder, greed, etc. the forces of evil are surrounding Trump but there is a battle.
Hrc would have leveraged and concentrated those evil forces to destroy America Praise God