Sunday, February 17, 2019

                               THE SOYLENT GREEN NEW DEAL

...Republicans have recently tried to drum up fear that the Green New Deal would take away Americans’ meat and ice cream. It won’t, because the reality of what a climate-friendly diet looks like is far more nuanced. Meat can be part of it, just not in excess.
Because of the environmental toll of meat eating, along with the moral quandary of eating sentient beings...I’ve increasingly felt guilty about my seemingly climate unfriendly choices—each bite of medium rare flank steak has begun to feel like a tiny eulogy for the planet.

February 13, 2019

The Future of Meat Is Vegan
A plan to eliminate animal farming relies on science and startups.
By Rachel Riederer [co-editor-in-chief, Guernica]
In August 2013, Mark Post, a professor of physiology at Maastricht University....revealed a... round, palm-size patty of dark pink hamburger meat... Instead of coming from the flesh of a slaughtered cow, the muscle fibers in the meat had been grown from cow cells in a lab...

It is this technology (referred to variously as lab-grown meat, in vitro meat, animal-free meat, and clean meat), along with plant-based substitutes, that Jacy Reese’s The End of Animal Farming argues will put livestock farms out of business, without necessarily meaning the end of meat...

Reese, an animal rights advocate from rural Texas, now lives in Brooklyn with his... two rescue hens. (The hens, saved from factory farms, are medicated with something analogous to birth-control so that they won’t lay eggs, which, Reese says, lets them live longer and happier lives.) 

“The ace in the hole for the inevitability of the end of animal farming,” he asserts, “is the incredible inefficiency of making meat, dairy, and eggs from animals.”  ...which are, in Reese’s words,

 “inefficient producers of flesh.”

How To Get Meat Eaters To Eat More Plant-Based Foods? Make Their Mouths Water

By now, you've likely heard the argument to eat less meat for the health of the planet. Heck, even Beyoncé has been pushing this message, dangling the prospect of free concert tickets for life before fans to raise interest in plant-based eating for the environment.