Saturday, April 6, 2019


Reviewing Chris Mooney's 2014 book , The Republican War on Science The Nation, and Slate reported that  only 6% of scientists identified with the GOP, and Mother Jones  told readers that t

Of course scientists are hostile toward Republicans. As far as they're concerned, Republicans are troglodytes who don't believe in evolution, don't believe in climate change, want to ban stem cell research, and don't want to fund the NSF. They'd be crazy not to be hostile toward Republicans.
Mooney was echoing his boss,  Think Progress founder  and White House Chief of Staff John Podesta who'd already earlier hired the  K-Street  spinmeisters who wrote Masters of Disaster to morph 

 THE   WHITE   HOUSE    ...

into a ' troglodyte narrative ' with the  'Dialectic'  aim of denouncing as a  'social misanthrope'  any  Republican  questioning  Obama's agenda:

"From:  To:  
Date: 2014-01-28 14:37 Subject: Follow-up   [EMPHASIS ADDED IN REDBOLD]
John -- 
Really nice seeing you last week... .
Per your request, attached is a memorandum outlining a possible unifying approach for the Administration when it comes to climate... 
the specific material requested(a range of so-called "frames"...written so as one could just cut and paste... to provide some strategic thinking on the politics of climate ... 

We hope this is helpful and stand ready to support whatever you may need... Break a leg (or a hand, as the case may be) tonight.

Best,      Christopher Lehane


Thank you for asking us to share some ideas for a holistic approach to climate. Per your direction, the goal is to unify policy, politics, and communications ...

The unifying theory is best expressed by this basic principle: If the effort to change public opinion on climate change is animated by the same one-off policies and practices that are employed to change public opinion on most other policy issues, then defeat is inevitable...

To achieve victory, we must treat climate change as... a true political social movement to create change... Fully leveraging ... Biblical superstorms, extreme droughts, and historic wildfires...

2. Right v. Wrong (Climate as political social change)...

one cannot be  handcuffed  by  data  on a fundamental moral issue of this kind..the magic will not be in the precision of specific wordsthe Administration chooses to use ...

The concept must be big; it must be simple; and it must 'lean in' to where the public is inclined to go ... The Big Idea would be the communications prism, the emotional touchstone, and the policy hub for all climate-related policies...

× Dialectic. At the end of the day... one needs to have an organizing platform that defines ... the opposition as morally responsible for an issue that threatens the health and welfare of the American people. TR had the plutocrats. FDR fought Fascism. LBJ took on poverty. And Reagan had the Soviets...

× Anti-Basic Science... The power of this approach is that it ... fits into what we call the Troglodyte Narrative 
(anti-women; anti-Latino; anti-gun safety; anti-common sense fiscal policy; and anti-science) that is raising basic trust issues for the Republican Party ...

× Frame climate as... You either are a member of our society or you are a social misanthrope (i.e., litterer, smoker around a pregnant women, etc.).