Thursday, November 7, 2019


The nondescript Venezuelan Poodle Moth      The  Flannel Moth pussy caterpillar
The  ephemeral careers of many of  President Trump's appointees as ambassadors and EPA and DOE executives raises a deep structural question: after reaching the bottom of the  pork barrel , where can the administration turn for new political cannon fodder?

The answer may lie in Capitol Hill's fondness for  nominees who strongly resemble those in high office, a list that in President Trump's case can be extended beyond Alec Baldwin only by turning to the invertibrate biodiversity of  the tropical wetlands to the South of the fever swamps of the Potomac. 

The Venezuelan  Poodle  Moth , for example, is assured high office by its uncanny resemblence to Vice President Pence,  while the MAGA hat-worthy  Flannel Moth Pussy Caterpillar, Megalopyge opercularis  merits instant Senate confirmation as the spitting image of our  Chief Executive's hair :

These tropical species  are sloly but confidently marching up the Atlantic seaboard in lock step with rising global temperatures. As surely as prickly pear cacti colonized NewYork Harbor in the 1950's, once they get there they will be  enfranchised to vote by Mayor de Blasio like all the other immigrants before them. 

The Administration has until next November to prepare for that electoral contingency by appointing the first of these remarkable migratory creatures Acting Deputy Assistant Administrators of the EPA as soon as they reach the District of Columbia.