The lastest thing in climate denial is announcing the non-existence of politically inconvenient geological eras, like this one:
David Middleton / 14 hours ago Guest “WTF?” by David Middleton

Welcome to the AnthropoceneThe Anthropocene
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Welcome to the Anthropocene… It doesn’t exist. Now, on to the story…
DAILY SCIENCEHow climate change could change the way we die
A new study predicts more deaths from injuries in a warmer world.
By Sarah DeWeerdt
January 14, 2020Global warming of 1.5 °C could result in an additional 1,603 deaths from injuries each year in the United States, an international team of researchers reported yesterday in the journal Nature Medicine. They calculated the death toll from 2 °C of warming at 2,135 excess injury-related deaths yearly...The Anthropocene
1,603? Are they sure it’s not 1,602 or 1,604?
Dave Middleton describes his Bibliography:
Over the past few years, I have been publishing most of my climate change and energy articles directly to Watts Up With That?
My name is Dave Middleton. I have been a geoscientist in the evil oil industry since 1981. I have a BS in Earth Science (Geology concentration) from Southern Connecticut State University and I minored in Mathematics... my favorite hobby… Debunking the junk science of radical environmentalists…Particularly the junk science of anthropogenic global warming.
I use the phrase “junk science” quite often... junk science is what happens when scientists become so focused on the results that they are trying to obtain, or in reinforcing the current paradigm, that they discard inconvenient data and exaggerate the value of supporting data... The classic example of this occurred 500 to 600 years ago when the Ptolemaic (geocentric) Solar System was upplanted by the Copernican (heliocentric) Solar System...
The field of climate science has been dominated by one ruling theory over the last 20 years or so – The Enhanced Greenhouse Theory... and many other organizations involved in climate science and policy have tunnel-visioned in on the hypothesis that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (primarily carbon dioxide) have driven climate change over the last 200 years. They have clung to this ruling theory despite the fact that the data and observations are increasingly un-supportive of that theory.