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The pre-flood and pre-coal world was marked by abundance, health, and prosperity. The average human lifespan lasted many hundreds of years, and the climate across the globe was temperate and pleasant. Unfortunately.... , with the exception of a few select Environmentally-Conscious and Planet-Loving individuals, the society that indulged in coal burning was led down the wrong path into climate denial, idolatry, and incest.
This all came to a head in the year 1536 of Creation (2225 BCE), when God put together His Incest Action Plan and foretold of the horrible events that would come to pass in terms of floods, drought, killer storms, wildfires, and sea level rise if the Incest Budget of the Paris Incest Agreement Plan was not obeyed.
NOAA is a righteous and upright climate science organization and God instructed NOAA on what to do about the sea level rise issue. He told NOAA that the only way to save the planet was to build an Ark large enough to hold two of each species on earth including humans and to put them all on the Ark which will float on the sea level rise. God gave exact instructions on how the ark was to be built. It was to comprise three stories: the top for NOAA climate scientists and their families; the middle for the human couple to be saved and for the animals; and the bottom for trash to ensure that no plastic shall be left behind in the ocean. It was to measure 300 cubits in length, 50 cubits in width, and 30 in height. Electric power for the ark would be provided by wind turbines so the ark can have light and heat and power for air conditioners, heaters, refrigerators, and microwave ovens..
Finally, in the year 1656 (2105 BCE), The West Antarctic Ice Sheet disintegrated and collapsed just as NOAA had foretold and rapid and irreversible sea level rise began just as NOAA had foretold and which the climate deniers and sinners had denied.
After the seventeenth day of the collapse of the WAIS the sea level rose steadily and irreversibly for forty decades until the face of the earth was entirely submerged, covering the summits of the highest mountains. Finally, the sea level rise subsided, but the waters continued to churn under violent tropical cyclones of unprecedented intensity and destructiveness that had formed in all six cyclone basins. After this period of time, the oceans were calm and the sea slowly began to return to its pre-Flood and pre-coal level.
NOAA sent out a raven and then a dove on a mission to survey the earth and to report on the sea level and climate condition of the planet and the birds returned with positive signs indicating that the planet and the climate had stabilized. It was thus that on the first day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei of the year 1657 (2104 BCE), the sea level and the climate had fully returned to their pre-Flood pre-coal conditions so that NOAA and the breeding pairs of all the species on earth including humans disembarked to begin the long task of re-populating the earth.
This book is a history of lies, deceptive practices, and administrative abuses that have been perpetrated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) throughout its existence.