Here is a typical extract from one of these propaganda pamphlets, ingeniously constructed so as falsely to imply that our impact on the climate is a great deal larger than what is measured. For instance:
“... the significantly increased emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by humans is rapidly intensifying the effect and making the atmosphere noticeably warmer.”...
Another misleading passage says:
“Methane is mainly produced in the stomachs of ruminants such as cows – which is why our meat consumption noticeably amplifies climate change – but also in rice cultivation, on waste dumps and in sewage treatment plants.”
Actually, the largest methane sources are likely to be abiogenic.
... And the largest biogenic source of methane is not what Congressman Sensenbrenner bluntly calls “cow farts”. It is termite ants... even if... all of the five-sixths of a degree of warming since 1950 was our achievement, one-sixth of that five-sixths of a degree is a sizzling one-seventh of a degree.
Pass the Factor 18 and give the punkah-wallah a prod, Jeeves.