Friday, March 19, 2021


17 December 2020

The Story of Rupert Murdoch, in Time Magazine Covers

New research reveals massive scale of News Corp climate scepticism

The data is in: News Corp produces and amplifies climate scepticism on an industrial scale.

Lies, Debates, and Silences: 

How News Corp produces climate scepticism in Australia      

is an explosive new report, commissioned by GetUp, that reveals the staggering levels of climate scepticism peddled by major News Corp newspapers.
At the recent News Corp AGM Rupert Murdoch told shareholders, 
“There are no climate change deniers around, I can assure you.” 

This will not suprise readers of Climate Wars, which has  covered the Newscorp semiotic carbon cycle since 2013:

Australia's inexhaustible soft coal deposits arise from the continuous fossilization of  the cellulose-rich  Murdoch newspapers that swell antipodean landfills as fast as Rupert can print them. Once buried, Newcorp headlines form anthropocene coal seams shallow as the science writing in The Australian or The Daily Telegraph.

Metamorphosis converts this cheap to data mine and highly inflammatory op-ed material into advertorials praising the environmental benefits of mining, creating a biogeosemiotic cycle that assures that more money can be made digging up Australian coal than Andrew Bolt can spend on digging up dirt on fair dinkum climate scientists.

Once read and buried, pre-fossilized Murdoch editorial content  decays into puff pieces on clean coal that can be exported and exchanged for Chinese printing presses as the global biogeochemical cycle of carbon black printer's ink progresses.

As an environmentally responsible publisher, Newscorp diligently recycles op-eds from one Coal Coast newspaper to another, using only fresh newsprint and ink.  While the deforestation of Canada to mine tar sand provides Newscorp with an ample supply of journalistic pulp, it is harder make ink than manufacture news, as it entails mixing clean coal  tar with carbon black obtained by frakking & cracking natural gas. 

So tell President Biden : only reviving the Keystone XL pipeline can help save the environment by cutting the energy cost of delivering ink to Australia from Alberta's beaver infested wilderness!