Wednesday, July 21, 2021

                   THE  ORIGINS  OF  CLIMATEBALL  IN  THE

Calvin & Hobbes take dominion over the Sector of Uncertainty in The Lap of Leviathan 
ClimateBall, as played today descends from Calvin's Doctrine of Preterition, and the principle of Dominion outlined in Hobbes' Leviathan, as rendered into modern English in a comic strip that mis-spells the game 'CalvinBall'.

As it is not governed by a fixed doctrine laid down by the Climate Consistory, ClimateBall players invent rules ex tempore, assuring no game is like another, as rules cannot be used twice, the cardinal rule that rules cannot be used twice excepted. 

Besides disinformation,  tautology, non-sequiturs & solicitation of idiocy, the game may involve hockey sticks, mallets, public relations firms, iterated climate model intercomparisons and AI audio and video editing  equipment.

Key Features of ClimateBall 

Zones/Sectors of Consensus and Denial, each with a self-appointed Consistory of the Elect, which  in the Sector opposite is referred to as , the Conspiracy of the Preterite

The "Opposite Pole" 

An emblem deployed when a player finds the data have the wrong polemic sign, like anomalous cooling, which electively reverses the sign of the anomaly by eliding it with its opposite. Players must disclose this but as it is the Opposite Pole. non-declaration counts as disclosure.

The "Very Sorry Song" 

Modeling games are such a bore!

Too many rules,

And ways to keep score!

ClimateBall scoring is better by far!

It's never the same, it's always bizarre!

You don't need a team or a referee!

We can’t lose if we all agree!

•     The smiting of vexatious journal editors and TV 

anchors with Badminton shuttlecocks and hockey sticks 

The "Uncertainty Sector" 

This sector cannot be seen, and whoever blunders into it must cover their eyes and wander about until bonked by the ClimateBall.

"Vortex spots" 

ClimateBallers stepping into No Spin Zone events  in the Heartland must spin around until they fall down

The "Boomerang Zone" 

If a player incurs a misrepresentation penalty while adressing an Australian climate philosopher named  Clive or Bruce in the boomerang zone, the penalty is suffered by the player who called them on it

The resolution of theological disputes by the Intercomparing the Prognostics of Fearsome Engines  

Decrees , Manifestos, T-shirts, and Petitions for  Mass Marches for, and against, ClimateBall Science & Governance

Free use of  Congress of Parties e-car chargers and hobby-horse watering troughs, and access to The Secret Base, whose location is known only to  Bill Moyers, Nation , Guardian , and Grist subscribers,  Columbia School of  Journaism grads, Knight program & NPR alumni, ae, and Otherly Suffixed members of the Vogue and Vanity Fair editorial collectives

The ability of players to move in slow motion and speak in tongues on Fox TV and Capitol Hill

Player access to The Perimeter of Wisdom, located inside the Zone of Candor, which is off limits, and accesible only through the Uncertainty Zone.

One party Associations for the Advancement of Bipartisanship in ClimateBall

Wearing of masked political priorities in public places

Small cliques waving large signs in the forlorn hope of being arrested on camera

If you wish to learn more about RealClimateBall®, please contribute generously to Mnestheus