Wednesday, November 17, 2021


"  Le changement climatique est l’un des plus grands défis de notre temps. Il change déjà nos vies quotidiennes, à l‘échelle mondiale. Chacun d’entre nous est impacté.  Et si nous ne faisons rien, nos enfants  vont connaître  un monde de migrations, de  guerres, et  de  pénuries. Peu importe où nous vivons, nous partageons la même responsabilité: Make our planet great again! "
-- Emmanuel Macron addressing Donald Trump

France Building Nuclear Reactors Again

French President Emmanuel Macron said France will build six new nuclear reactors.

This will keep France’s energy costs at a “reasonable” level and reduce dependence on imports.France will save energy and invest in domestic carbon-free energy production. Nuclear power was at the heart of Macron’s France 2030 plan for re-industrialization which was announced last month.

According to a report published by RTE in late-October, the cheapest way for France to achieve its net-zero emissions target by 2050 would be through the construction of 14 large new reactors, plus a fleet of small modular reactors, as well as significantly investing in renewables.