Bruce C. Glavovic, Timothy F. Smith & Iain White Published online: 24 Dec 2021
The science-society contract is broken. The climate is changing…
Given the urgency...
we argue the time has come for scientists to agree to a moratorium on climate change research...
We see three possible options for climate change science.
The first is continuation of climate change science as usual... this option continues the naive demarcation between the practice of science and the politics of policy-making (e.g. Jasanoff, 2004).
Given that climate change science is ‘settled’... The evidence shows that the science-society contract is broken. The first option is therefore not tenable.
The second option is intensified social science research and advocacy on climate change… (e.g. Supran & Oreskes, 2021)… However... There is no evidence that… will lead to transformative action... The second option is therefore also not tenable.
The third option is much more radical. Climate change science is settled…We have fulfilled our responsibility to provide robust knowledge.
We now need to stop research in those areas where we are simply documenting global warming and mal-adaptation, and focus instead on exposing and renegotiating the broken science- society contract…
it would be wholly irresponsible for scientists to participate in a 7th IPCC assessment.
We call for a moratorium on climate change research…
[ Will it include climate communication research ? ]