Given the career of former Brazilian Science Minister and true-blue Red State Red Aldo Rebelo, Lenin ought to have observed that you can't make an omelet without breaking some watermelons.

"Calling Aldo Rebelo a climate-change skeptic would be putting it mildly. In his days as a fiery legislator in the Communist Party of Brazil, he railed against those who say human activity is warming the globe and called the international environmental movement “nothing less, in its geopolitical essence, than the bridgehead of imperialism.”
Environmental Defense Fund Tropical Forest Policy Director Steve Schwartzman styles him an“At first I thought this was some sort of mistake, that he was playing musical chairs and landed in the wrong chair,” said Márcio Santilli, a founder of Instituto Socioambiental, one of Brazil’s leading environmental groups. “Unfortunately, there he is, overseeing Brazilian science at a very delicate juncture when Brazil’s carbon emissions are on the rise again.”
"old-line Communist fan of Marx and Engels,... on exactly the same page on climate science as the hardest of the hard-core tea partiers in the United States : it’s all speculation – ‘scientism’ – not real science.”