Wednesday, April 3, 2024



Latimer Alder 

"Climatistas are often surprised and disappointed to learn that 'Satan's Gas' Carbon Dioxide is not a fatal poison to life. 
But is in fact what all plants are made from. Its their food. 
Not just a fertiliser to make them grow better. But their actual substance"

The Devil is in the details. Alder tweets not a word of the hundreds of fatal cases of human CO2 asphyxiation each year, the 3,000 souls who perished in the Lake Nyos natural CO2 eruction, or the continued presence of the CO2 Coalition's "Gas Of Life : on California's short list of lethal agents approved for euthanizing lab rats.

CO2 is, alas, not even safe in beer:

CO2 Gas Hazards in the Brewing Industry July 2013

CO2 Gas Hazards in Breweries
The hazards associated with CO2 in the brewing industry are well known, yet people still die needlessly every year in tragic and completely avoidable accidents in breweries. Just last year in Germany, which has a good safety record, two workers died in separate incidents at the same brewery.
In the first incident, the owner was found dead with his head and torso in a beer mixing tank... 10 months later in the same brewery a worker was found dead in a pressure tank ... He was found up to his hips in the container and had been poisoned – probably in seconds – due to the high concentration of CO2...
CO2 is extremely hazardous and can kill in two ways: either by displacing O2, leading to rapid asphyxiation, or as a toxin in its own right. Exposure to as little 0.5% volume CO2 represents a toxic health hazard, while concentrations greater than 10% volume can lead to death.