On January 9 the BBC reported on the plastic nurdle crisis , as a spill lashed the Iberian coast with the force of a thousand pool noodles
"More than 1,000 sacks of pellets known as nurdles ... have fallen from the Liberian flagged freighter Toconao, some 50 miles west of VigoThe tiny plastic balls used to make water bottles ... are less than 5mm wide, making cleaning up extremely difficult. Volunteers… combing through sand and sieving water to find the plastic pellets... accused Spain's Socialist-led national government of failing to inform local authorities. The crisis is reminiscent of Spain's worst ever… "

While the BBC valiantly strove to persuade viewers that pellets EU approved for food container must be as bad as a crude oil spill, an article entitled
The water footprint of tourism in Spain
in the flagship journal of plastic bottle & spork studies :