In the days after his inauguration, President Biden signed his name to many, many, documents. Among them was Executive Order 14008
Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
Which, without legislative authority, placed 40 percent of Federal climate, clean energy, and other benefits at the disposal of :
"disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution."
On April 1 2023, Biden signed an extension of environmental DEI into the future with Executive Order 14096
Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All
The precedent for Woke disaster relief and Green AI can be found in Obama's 2016 Executive Order 13707, launched by Presidential Science Advisor and past Harvard Center for the Environment Director John Holden to a hallelujah chorus of tofu-fed wannabe policy wonks at a West Wing Humanist Revival meeting worthy of a dystopic science fiction convention :
The Behavioral Science Insights Executive Order.
That guidance will help agencies identify promising opportunities to apply behavioral science insights to their programs and policies."
The "new guidance" of Executive Order 13707 applies to every departments of government, and requires the Department of Defense to report back to the newly institutionalized White House Social and Behavioral Sciences Team at regular intervals, as to how the armed forces are being remodeled in accord with the executive guidance of that order, which, after all, was signed by their Commander In Chief.
Thus far no NAS Precautionary Principle advocates have stepped forward to tell us why it ought not to apply to the warning given by Yale Professor Roger Sherman of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence:
It is a fear George Washington echoed in his Farewell Address, when he warned the nation to:“If the Executive can model the army, he may set up an absolute government.”
avoid the necessity of those overgrown... establishments which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty.