FLORIDA EDITION As hellish temperatures be the Devil's work, His Excellency, Don Ronaldo DeSantis, Gobenador of Florida & Corregidor of the Spanish Main has decreed any caught trafficking in Thermometers bearing or displaying, more than two digits will be thrown in irons and remanded into the custody of the Fahrenheit Inquisition in Saint Augustine
We have report that one Fuentes, the cabin boy King Kangye brought from Skull Island, hath called America "a vast mideastern bazaar with nothing on sale but cockroaches on sticks', whereupon the dread pirate Trump asked to indenture the likely lad as an apprentice, but the King demurred. Pilots' Club sources say Commodore Trumps plan to erect a Great Wall & Kraken Moat along the Intercoastal Waterway has been scuppered by a Spanish Main-wide shortage of able bodied hands as DEI limits on Barbaree Pirates, Levanters & Lascaradoes coming ashore leaves none to Shanghai. New-Captured Logs There be an Article of War in the latest issue o' FOREIGN PIRACY The Council On Foreign Pirations reports them Sallee marabouts have landed their poxy Sinbad Jihad on Gaza Dock, and seized enough sustainable materials for peg leg repair to reach Sallee's UNEP goal of Net Zero whale bone by 2025 Ye Pyrate Law Review
At a banquet on Execution Dock in London, Admiralty Lord Monckton sayeth scalding salt water in Hudson's Bay be God's gift to the Brethern of the Coast as all with letters of Marque can now tack through the Northwest Passage to plunder the sea otter harvest to sell it dear to the Siberian fur trade |