Thursday, March 5, 2015



Retired  amateur  geographer    eminent  climate bore  Bob  Tisdale  has reportedly  called  on  the  IPCC to  spare the world expense by  desisting  from  measurements  of  sea surface  temperature, which remain  controversial  because the standardization  efforts  begun  by America's  first  Oceanographer  of the  Navy some 150 years ago have been undone by shifts in the form and substance  of the buckets and  ditty bags mariners use to  collect water for  thermometry.

To avoid the controversy that seems to arise whenever temperature data pointing up are adduced in the Climate Wars, The IPCC should join with  the  Trustees  of the Commission on the Transatlantic Blue Riband, Viscount Monckton, Chairman, in  bowing to popular demand at the world's most viewed climate blog, and endorse the new model Tisdale Bucket as the universal means of surface water collection.

Constructed entirely of unsinkable ice, the 100% flotsam-free, grog soluble and unsurpassedly biodegradable New Model Tisdale Bucket may  be  harmlessly jettisoned, and is guaranteed to simplify data reduction by delivering uniform sea surface temperature readings of 0 C at all times in all climes, in all latitudes and sea states. 

Once the Absolute Tisdale Scale is adopted by UNEP, and 0 Celsius  recognized as the median temperature of the oceans by the ICSU, further economies may be realized by turning off marine refrigeration  and ending the wasteful practice of fishing vessels packing their catch in ice.

No  Secretaries or Oceanographers of the Navy were consulted in writing this post.which is not intended for purposes of navigation.