Schooling Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann on Climategate
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Climategate was a conspiracy by "fossil-fuel-industry front groups, paid attack dogs, & conservative media outlets"claims Michael ‘Hockey Stick’ Mann...
I popularised the name by writing the article that made it go viral... as I wrote in my (highly prophetic) book
Watermelons: How Environmentalists Are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children’s Future.
If only we were as powerful and dangerous as Mann pretends ... Solar and bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco-crucifixes would have been abandoned...and Texas... would not currently be freezing their nuts off.
SAME AUTHOR 12 years ago:
Watching the Climategate scandal explode makes me feel like a proud parent
The Spectator 12 December 2009
It has been a weird, weird thing having a ringside seat at... the greatest scientific scandal in the history of the world... [like] queuing outside the Wag club... watching all the straight people staring at us freaks and thinking
‘God, just imagine how totally awesome it would be if this Acid House craze ever caught on...’
Climategate has gone über-viral ... which for me has been a bit like being a proud parent watching his singing, dancing little girl suddenly grow up to become Madonna —
I picked up the story from the Watts Up With That website... someone called Bulldust had said: ‘Hmm how long before this is dubbed ClimateGate?’
I took Bulldust’s ball and ran with it... my teeny, tiny, spear-carrying role in the history of language was assured.