Saturday, February 25, 2023


No Heartland Institute International Conferences on Climate Change is complete without an attempt to blame global warming on underwater volcanoes , a meme Geophysicists discount as quantitatively akin to trying to melt an iceberg with a match: seawater outweighs submarine lava a hundred million to one.

The attempt none the less resonates with  Heartland's cardinal principle : don't give up the grift—if  eyeballs roll skyward at mention of sunspots and cosmic rays, just correlate last year's earthquake number's with next year's temperature rise while denying that there is one.

 I wish this years instant submarine  vulcanology expert would  stick to his last Before enlisting in the climate wars, Christopher Monckton ran a shirt company.

His Heartland colleague Willlis Eschenbach has other ideas. Forget underwater eruptions. He maintains that parrotfish are the true cause of rising seas in the South Pacific.