Tuesday, October 10, 2023


A Monumental Milestone: Celebrating

 500 Million Pageviews on Watts Up With That


We missed this story twelve days ago but this is still something worth noting and celebrating.

We can celebrate a remarkable milestone for a slough of despond in the world of climate grifting  beacon of reason in the climate debate: Watts Up With That (WUWT) has surpassed a  gobsmacking  an astounding 500 million pageviews!

WUWT has long provided a platform for such leading lights of science as :
                                                  Jay Lehr Ph.D.
Heartland Institute Science Director who speaks  with   great  authority  on the hockey stick fraud and global warming hoax,  having been convicted and jailed for defrauding the EPA of $200,000 of the taxpayer's money.

Piers Corbyn
Labor  Party  supremo  Jeremy Corbyn's  less  intelligent  older brother, a global cooling  prognosticator  whose publications  include a survey of  the size  of the pebbles on  Chesil Beach,  and DIY instructions  for a  brine-filled  barometer.  He believes the sun causes earthquakes.

Prof. Oliver K. Manuel
Cold fusion chemist who celebrated his theory that the sun is a ball of iron in Watts' blog and  frequented Heartland Institute  conferences until his arrest for child molestation.

                                  The Sky Dragons
Editorial  Collective formed to praise the  Lord for  CO2  and  deny the reality of atmospheric radiative equilibrium.  Claes Johnson stirs the  pseudoscience pot,  while  pseudo-lawyer John O’Sullivan touts the CD on Dominionist evangelical TV. Acolytes include Tim Ball PhD.

Harry Dale Huffman
Adiabat hobbyist whose efforts to dismiss the greenhouse effect by eliding lapse rate data from Venus and Earth  has been eclipsed by his theory that space aliens altered the shape of the Australian continent.

Prior to the Little Ice Age, most of the areas where today’s core samples are taken, were not covered with ice. The ice that scientists have stated is hundreds of thousands of years old can be no more than a maximum of 650 years in age“ 

 Doug Cotton 
Monomaniac whose  non-GHG-based warming theory , merchandised by Prinicipia Scientific International, claims reconstructed Victorian lab gear proves CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas.

Dr.  James Wanliss of
In  Resisting  the  Green  Dragon: Dominion, Not Death the 'Christian physicist ...explores and  corrects the religious and scientific errors of the radical Green movement'

Stefan “The Denier” Mikitch
Australian gulag survivor who denies the geochemical cycle of carbon , believing methane must stay underground,because its molecular weight is greater than  atomic nitrogen or oxygen. His 'METHANEGATE' website advocates jailing those who disagree.

 Arno Arrack
Whose self-published book “What Warming?” whines about his  rejection by Nature and Science while citing the good and great Trofim Lysenko in support of his work.

David Legates, Ph.D.Author of  Putting Out the Dragon’s Fire on Global Warming. Appointed as Delaware State Climatologist  by noted climate guru Gov. Pete DuPont. 

Herman A. Pope
Retired NASA scientist turned epigrammatic bore:
When the Arctic is liquid, Earth is cooling 
When the Arctic is ice, Earth is warming 
This is the Thermostat of Earth
who shares Roy Spencer's view that excess CO2 in the atmosphere can't be from human activity.

Joachim Seifert                                  
Untelligible eastern European crank whose secret theory of climate change may or may not  relate to solar variations. Those wishing  find out must purchase his pamphlet in the original German from Amazon at $50 a pop.

Girma Orssengo
Obsessively reposts a horizontal line graph that uses 50 : 1  scale compression to render global warming invisible, or at least illegible.
Mike Haseler
Author of highly original theory that photons are an elitist hoax:                            “Over time I realised that: 
 1. There is no need for the idea of a “photon”. 
 2. That none of the raw evidence requires “photons”. 
 3. That the wave-particle theory of light is anti-scientific "

Professor Nicola Scafetta
Duke physicist who asks: Does the Sun work as a nuclear fusion amplifier of planetary tidal forcing? ” No, Nicola, it really, really does not.

Spartacusisfree (AKA  mydogsgotnonose)

Engineer who claims that the radiative properties of CO2 don’t apply to the atmosphere:
There is absolutely no experimental proof of any CO2…I became a ‘denier’ after I concluded there were 5 errors in IPCC physics. 
I may be mad, bad and deluded, but I want a second option because I’m a scientist who believes no-one.”
 The Usual Suspects
Posse of paid Watts contributors seen here demanding their paychecks at the Paris debut of Climate Hustle