Monday, November 20, 2023


Slaying The Sky Dragon: Death Of The Greenhouse Gas Theory’

 An Impertinent Pup From Snopes Tried

To Fact-Check Me On Global Warming.

Written by James Delingpole

As I predicted, my piece “400 Scientific Papers say ‘Global Warming’ is a Myth”, 

is causing greenie heads to explode like watermelons struck by hollow-point bullets. 

Here is an email I got shortly afterward from a guy at… Snopes.

Hello James,

I’m a science writer for the fact-checking website reporting on your ‘400 studies say climate change is a myth’ exposé. I had a couple of questions about your process:

  • Did you read all (or a fraction) of the 400 studies listed in that post personally or talk to any of the scientists involved?
  • How long did it take to research this piece?...

Best, Alex

This Alex is an impertinent pup, isn’t he?... 

Snopes’s question:

  • Did you read all (or a fraction) of the 400 studies listed in that post personally or talk to any of the scientists involved?

My answer:

I see what you’re trying to do there. And I’m not playing. Let me explain why.

The other day I read a long book... Now I don’t actually speak Russian so I had to take... the English translation

I apply this to lots of other things too. For example: … I send my kids off to boarding school so I don’t have to discipline them…

Yes, I suppose I could have spent days (weeks?) reading all the papers myself, 

But I didn’t – ... because that would have been utterly and dumb and pointless...

Only an imbecile... could possibly be so blinkered and stupid as to imagine otherwise."