Saturday, December 23, 2023


A  Psychedelics Boom Is 

Minting Environmentalists
It’s hard to imagine a more appropriate setting for Amanda Joy Ravenhill’s first psychedelic experience than Burning Man... In September 2009, while lying in an art installation resembling an osprey nest, Ravenhill queried the universe as the mushrooms kicked in:
“What should I do next?”

The answer pulsed through her. It was as if the psilocybin told her “to get my hands dirty,” she says. “It came through with such potency, and I got obsessed with soil’s role in stabilizing our climate.”

The next few decades will be “very turbulent” due to climate change, Ravenhill says, “but there are some options that are way less awful than the worst ones. Psychedelics helped me see and act more clearly to help make those happen.”

‘The most difficult truth’

many people transform their lives after taking magic mushrooms?...the founders of The Journeymen Collective, a Canadian startup whose 

“contemporary shamans” guide Executives, entrepreneurs and other professionals willing to drop at least $11,000 to “connect deeply into Self”...through multi-day psilocybin journeys on a mountaintop estate ...
A Journal of Environmental Research& Public Health  study, “From Egoism to Ecoism,” found a positive link between lifetime psychedelic use and “feeling close and kindly towards nature,” especially for participants who experienced “ego-dissolution,” wherein the sense of self dies during the hallucinogenic experience.

By November 28, 2023 at 7:15 AM EST