Friday, August 23, 2024


The Oxford Student  26 APRIL  2019  Michael Culbert 

The Wilberforce Club hosted an Alien themed drinks event in St Giles’ Church on 10th May in honour of the Oxford academic Dr Young-hae Chi,  who has spoken and written about the presence of invisible aliens in our society, interbreeding with humans and correlated with climate change.

The Wilberforce Club … with a stated mission “to spread and promote a free society in which freedom of thought and speech is unrestricted” ... described the event as ... “basically a bop in a church” according to the organisers.

They also advised attendees, “[d]on’t come expecting any intellectual discussion” in what they branded as “the weirdest (and hopefully not the worst) experience you’ve ever had in a church”.

are invisible aliens inter-breeding  with humans ?   

9 MAY 2019

An Oxford Oriental Institute researcher believes changing climate and alien abductions are strongly correlated, and that aliens sharing our biosphere are acting to overcome the effects of climate change.

Dr Young-hae Chi, an Advaita Vedanta Semiotic Gaze meditation practitoner, has asked 
The Oxford Union to debate the subject, a request so far declined.

He has been researching a variety of subjects in parapsychology, with special emphasis on the phenomena of alien abduction and the survival of death in conjunction with environmental crises.

Chi cites ‘abduction researcher’ David Jacobs, who thinks the aliens’ primary purpose is to colonize the earth by interbreeding, and according to whom, second generation ‘hybrids’  already walk among us unobserved.

Dr Chi believes that there are four types of aliens:

  •  small; 
  • tall and bold;  
  • aliens with scales and snake eyes;
  •  insect-like aliens. 

 He says :

 “One possibility is that they find our DNA valuable for the preservation of the stock. Secondly, to create species which can survive in the future climate conditions…Thirdly, some abductees report that these hybrids are of a very high intelligence, so are they producing these hybrids as a problem-solver, a future leader?”