Those credulous enough to trust in James Dellingpole trusting in Marc Morano's trust in Pierre Gosselin's trust in his minion Kenneth Richard have been rudely awakened by Snopes.
The No Tricks Zone tall tale trail began last year with Richard selecting graphs from the scientific literature to create a collage that claimed they all pointed to a past warmer than the present.
While hailed as a scientific revolution by Morano, Milloy Watts & Delingpole, this went over like a lead balloon in the press at large, but Breitbart having lost its keenest scientific mind, Steve Bannon, the NTZ given last year's wheeze another go:
Red Green & Blue reports Richard's earlier work as a climate collagiste set off a loud irony alarm at Snopes, which after reaching out to all the authors of the works he cited at No Tricks Zone , asked and aswered the question as follows :
81 Graphs From 62 New (2018) Papers Invalidate Claims Of Unprecedented Global-Scale Modern WarmingBy on 10. May 2018
Did 58 Scientific Papers Published in 2017 Say Global Warming is a Myth?
An article on Breitbart News used flawed interpretations from a climate skeptic blog to amplify a grossly inaccurate understanding of climatological research.
A total of 58 peer-reviewed papers published in the first half of 2017 conclude that global warming is a myth.
On 6 June 2017, Breitbart News ran an article titled “‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth, Say 58 Scientific Papers in 2017”.
This article[ linked in ] “No Tricks Zone” ... claims that this ragtag collection of studies proves that the long-standing scientific consensus on climate change is nothing but a myth.
The blog post Breitbart linked to is a list of 80 graphs (so many graphs!) taken from 58 studies...
The basic thesis presented by No Tricks Zone is that these graphs, which are inferred records of things like temperature and precipitation from specific localities through time, show that the climatological changes happening right now are neither dramatic nor man made...
As Breitbart puts it:
What all these papers argue in their different ways is that the alarmist version of global warming — aka Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) — is a fake artefact.This is false.
We reached out to many of the authors ... While not everyone we reached out to responded, not a single researcher that we spoke to agreed with Breitbart’s assessment, and most were shocked when we told them that their work was presented as evidence for that claim.STAY TUNED FOR SNOPES PREDICTABLE REPLAY ON THIS YEARS CROP OF CROPPED CLIMATE GRAPH CROCKS