Will the Amazon fires ignite a legal conflagration if
the pious magazine drags Stoat into a heresy case ?
Pacha-mama Mia ! Tiber Statue-Tossing,
The 1st Commandment, & Vatican Madness
By JACK FOWLER November 5, 2019 9:33 AM
Young Alexander Tschugguel, a Catholic layman from Vienna, released a video yesterday fessing up to a now-famous/infamous act of defiance, a hell (literally) no to heresy-arcing liberalism championed by Church bureaucrats behind the Vatican’s recent Amazon Synod
What it’s all about is this: At Santa Maria in Traspontina, a church near St. Peter’s Basilica, a Synod-related display highlighted the Andean/Incan fertility goddess “Pachamama” — a pregnant Mother Earth figure who Vaticrats sought to legitimize as a stand-in for the Virgin Mary (and, to be more thematic, Our Lady of the Amazon). She was symbolized elsewhere at the Synod by a widely shown photo of an indigenous woman clutching a child in one hand while breastfeeding a weasel-looking animal.
Maybe Jesus meant to say, Suffer the little rodents?