Greg Byrne The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles of Continental glaciers with lower sea levels (Dwarka, Mu continent) brought on by east to west global tsunamis ( Mid-Atlantic ridge pushed up by Africa, Pacific ring of fire torn apart.)
Eccentricity within the Galactic bulge ... causes global warming/cooling due to Increasing/Decreasing Direct sunlight as the earths magnetic north tilt changes according to our location to our galaxy's Electromagnetic field in 4 quadrants 4 x 60 ka of E-W declination reference the Galactic Bulge.
Precession crossing the galaxy's electro- magnetic plane every 13,000 years --half the Great Year-- causes EM plasma bursts at the conjunction of the Sun and planets' magnetospheres. Asteroid impacts from crossing the galaxy's Kuipers belt, and East - West global tsunami’s from the increased EM gravitational pull as we cross the galactic plane...
Covid, like CO2, is a LIE strawman built upon an inconvenient truth
The Mask of the Beast is a pretext for the contact tracing, testing and 5G heavy metals final solution vaccine of the BEAST. Humanity is being divided distracted dispersed to be conquered again by the devil...
The Galactic Milankovitch cycles cause our climate cycles of Continental glaciers with lower sea levels (Dwarka, Mu continent) brought on by east to west global tsunamis ( Mid-Atlantic ridge pushed up by Africa, Pacific ring of fire torn apart.)
Eccentricity within the Galactic bulge ... causes global warming/cooling due to Increasing/Decreasing Direct sunlight as the earths magnetic north tilt changes according to our location to our galaxy's Electromagnetic field in 4 quadrants 4 x 60 ka of E-W declination reference the Galactic Bulge.
Precession crossing the galaxy's electro- magnetic plane every 13,000 years --half the Great Year-- causes EM plasma bursts at the conjunction of the Sun and planets' magnetospheres. Asteroid impacts from crossing the galaxy's Kuipers belt, and East - West global tsunami’s from the increased EM gravitational pull as we cross the galactic plane...
Covid, like CO2, is a LIE strawman built upon an inconvenient truth
The Mask of the Beast is a pretext for the contact tracing, testing and 5G heavy metals final solution vaccine of the BEAST. Humanity is being divided distracted dispersed to be conquered again by the devil...