An endorsement by Rush Limbaugh - ‘Watts Up With That? a cool little website’

demonstrated that fossil fuels don't cause global warming- it's the fault of CO2 burping 'benthic bacteria.'
Citing his "expert climatologist here on staff" Limbaugh said the study's revelations about "Miocene, Pliocene and Plasticine "
palaeoclimate proved AGW was a hoax.
There was only one minor problem, which his long-suffering science guy duly reported:

Love or Hate him, millions of people listen to him. And to get an unsolicited endorsement, was not only a surprise, but it caused quite a traffic spike here yesterday... He said:..
I’m now gonna violate one of my own rules. ‘Cause I’m gonna get into some science here. I found this at Watts Up With That? It’s a cool little website. It’s a long piece, but I can synthesize this with very little time.
The effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas becomes ever more marginal with greater concentration...This inconvenient fact... can be accurately modeled using the Modtran program maintained and supported at the University of Chicago.”
In 2007, Rush told viwers he'd read a "very convincing" paper whose intimidating equations
4δ161x Λ³Жญ5,6,1,8Φ-4 =_{(ΣΨ²Њyt3-14๖P9) x 49}_
4δ161x Λ³Жญ5,6,1,8Φ-4 =_{(ΣΨ²Њyt3-14๖P9) x 49}_
2β x ⅜kxgt-§

Citing his "expert climatologist here on staff" Limbaugh said the study's revelations about "Miocene, Pliocene and Plasticine "
palaeoclimate proved AGW was a hoax.
There was only one minor problem, which his long-suffering science guy duly reported:
TO: Listeners of Rush Limbaugh on Thursday, November 8, 2007
FROM: Roy W. Spencer
"Yesterday (11/7/07), a "research study" was circulating on the internet which claimed to have found the "real" reason for global warming. Even though the hoax was quite elaborate, and the paper looked genuine, a little digging revealed that the authors, research center, and even the scientific journal the study was published in, did not exist. I sent an e-mail to Rush about the issue regarding the hoax, with a copy of the "research study."
Unfortunately...he thought that I was calling global warming a hoax, rather than the study" --Roy W. Spencer
Limbaugh's latest Watts-based scientific conclusion is that
"It’s like it has been discovered that, you know, when they were tearing up the Amazon rain forest, when they were clear cutting it down there... they found that there was forestation in Europe as the earth itself was compensating!
Not that we had planted any new trees. They just were marveling at how we weren’t actually losing any net vegetation, despite Juan Valdez clear cutting in the Amazon rain forest. The Folger’s coffee guy Juan Valdez."