Some alternative solar science websites seem more prelapsarian than post-normal. What on Earth will Watt's Galileo Movement friends make of this one? --
Some fear we may eventually find out :
'to be a huge story, the first evidence of extraterrestrial life,'A more prudent response would have been , "Wait a minute-- isn't that Wickramasinghe the archaeopteryx crank? "
:"He has attempted to generate controversies in both academic and public circles, as Wickramasinghe himself brings them as arguments into the basic discussion about creationism and evolutionism. Though Chandra Wickramasinghe's latest speculations have no support from the scientific community, he has fascinated some public media."The absence of evidence this time round did not deter Watts from announcing this great discovery to his flock, and it is entirely in character that he has responded to those celebrating this remake of the 1985 comedy of manners by threatening to sue them. Were he any sort of scientist this would be sad and terrible news, but as he's just another hack, it's merely funny.