Mike Haseler (Scottish Sceptic) August 7, 2019 at 4:53 am
There is an easy way to get rid of the climate problem … we just take everyone who believes there is a problem to a small atol, where we explode a nuclear bomb and demonstrate how easy it is to create a nuclear winter (or not). I guarantee no one will be saying there’s a climate problem after that.
Nick Schroeder August 6, 2019 at 7:11 pm
These geoengineering plans rely on the atmosphere / albedo cooling the earth thereby exposing the error of and contradicting greenhouse theory which says the atmosphere warms the earth and with no atmosphere the earth becomes a -430 F frozen ball of ice.
Zero greenhouse effect, Zero CO2 global warming and Zero man caused climate change
GlenFromAustralia August 6 2019 9:38 pm
Lets just detonate a small 10MT nuke in Krakatoa & Vesuvius … that’ll cool off the Globe 🙂 /sarc.
On a more serious note … one day there will be a geo-engineering plan that the UN implements, and when they do it, all hell will break lose and we will left be in deep doo-doo with no escape mechanism … and I know this because the Book of Revelation talks about something happening on a world-wide scale that mankind implemented to ill effect … so it will happen.