Sunday, March 3, 2019


Rep. Ingis addresses a

'Strong group of Young Americans for Freedom..."aware that climate change is real"

September 13, 2018 - University at Buffalo - Buffalo, NY

The Young Americans for Freedom at the University of Buffalo were charged up... That dissonance became palpable as I began to speak.In the wildness of the moment I felt a bit like Apostle Paul might have felt at the Areopagus in Athens when the crowd said to him, "You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we would like to know what they mean." (Acts 17:20).
It was a case of first impression for many of them: a conservative talking about a free enterprise solution to climate change and quoting Milton Friedman.
Yes, I was creating some dissonance, but there was a greater dissonance that seemed to be dawning on the YAF crowd. Young, smart and at a good school, these students are aware that climate change is real, and they're becoming more and more aware of the fiction of climate disputation foisted upon their political party.
Well, it went pretty well for Paul in Athens as some said "We want to hear you again on this subject," (Acts 17:32b) and it went pretty well for me at YAF at the University of Buffalo