Thursday, July 21, 2022

                      THERE'S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN

WUWT Guest Blogger

Viscount Monckton


Whatever the data show, I show. “It is what it is”… that splendid dictum speaks all true science. I have lectured on it in the faithful replica of The Supreme Court Chamber at Jerry Falwells' Liberty University. 

Marcus Tullius Cicero who wrote the most beautiful Ciceronian Latin, made a similar point a century before the Lord of Life and Love & Laughter was admired by snuffling kine rubbing flanks with thrones and dominations in a stable at Bethlehem. 

Cicero, in his treatise De Legibus  on jurisprudence, wrote:

 “The law is founded upon and rooted in love.” 

Therefore, it has been a delight to read the Supreme Court’s at last curbing… the Party Line laid down by the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-wise apparatchiki.

The long whinge that follows... misleads the dissenters into grouching – more than somewhat banausically – to the effect that the evil demon Siotu is a “pollutant” 

Yet the rebel reds contradict themselves when they conclude…" the legal doctrine that administrative action by the entities of the State was reviewable by the Courts first emerged in the Courts of Equity in 14th-Century England (I remember it well...

Let us now examine the pseudo-scientific basis for the Supreme Court’s dissenters’ decision … “The six warmest years on record all occur[red] in the last decade”. Depends what you mean by “the record.” It is warmer today than since the first global temperature record began in 1850 – but so what…

The rise in temperatures brings increases... decreases in cold-related deaths... as Willis Eschenbach has demonstrated in one of his many distinguished columns here...

“Rising waters” are not as much of a threat as the dissenters wish to imagine: for 1 mm per year is about 4 inches per century. Oo-er! Pick up your skirts and run for the hills, nan!

As for “scorching heat”, that is offset in the tropics by earlier afternoon convection (i.e. thunderstorms) as the temperature rises, and elsewhere by greater rainfall. Again, Willis Eschenbach has done the research on that.

Here, then, is my modest proposal for taking advantage of the constitutionalist plurality that has at last… found its voice at the Supreme Court.

First, a casus belli must be identified, and a credible plaintiff found. The simplest casus belli is the sheer irrationality that is evidenced by the three Communists’ list of blatantly bogus bugaboos.

First, the notion of rapid and dangerous global warming is predicated upon a monstrous and elementary error of physics that misled clahmatawlagiests into imagining that… the “ anthropogenic greenhouse-gas enrichment over the entire 21st century would become 4 K final warming after accounting for temperature feedback response, chiefly driven by more water vapor in warmer air. 

What the poor saps had forgotten is that the Sun is shining. Therefore, the correct final or equilibrium warming in response to each 1 K of direct warming by noncondensing greenhouse gases, as matters stood in 1850, was not 32 / 8 = 4 K, but rather a mild,  gentle, net-beneficial warming, not the “catastrophe” imagined by the three dissenters.

To head off the trolls who tend to maunder on to the ineffectual effect that that calculation is “inappropriate extrapolation”… It was, of course, the perpetrators of the error, not I, who had extrapolated, in that they had imagined that the ratio of equilibrium to directly-forced warming in 2100 would be about the same as it was in 1850.

The gainers by the economic hara-kiri being committed by the West in the name of Saving The Planet are Putin… Xi Jinping, the oppressor of Tibet... who, ordered his feeble-minded stooge Biden to withdraw precipitately from Afghanistan… to place the West’s economies heavily under the thumb of China… as comparatively inexpensive coal-based static and oil-based locomotive energy sources are replaced by Russian gas & Chinese-controlled lithium carbonate respectively... enriching China as the price of that precious raw material soars… to fund Putin’s continuing massacre...

So far, the many...have trembled cravenly and have done little or nothing to fight back, for fear of the Rufmord (Goebbels’ term for reputational destruction) that is meted out… to those of us who dare to speak out against the collapse of Western civilization.