Monday, July 10, 2023


Will AI Save Us From the Next Deadly Denial Blog?


Bots have spread from American echo chambers to parrot farms down under , and from bad climate blogs to worse

There’s an old joke: The weatherman is the only job where you can be wrong 50 percent of the time and still keep your job. Meteorology has since improved a lot since that old chestnut was funny, but it still highlights a very real truth about weather prediction: It’s hard as hell...

Currently, one of the best and most common ways to predict weather is... a method of using equations to simulate the physics and fluid dynamics of future atmospheric conditions. It’s an incredibly energy- and resource-intensive way of forecasting, often requiring very powerful computers to assist in the modeling...

That’s why scientists have begun turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in weather forecasting. In two papers published July 5 in the journal Nature, researchers describe two new methods of creating highly accurate and fast weather predictions up to six days in advance. The approaches could speed up extreme weather forecasting by orders of magnitudes.

“AI offers new opportunities for numerical weather prediction,” says Lingxi Xie, of  Chinese tech company Huawei Inc. and co-author of one of the papers.. “AI will not replace traditional methods, but will be integrated with them towards a hybrid forecast system.”