Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Posted on September 1, 2019 by curryja | 95 comments

by Javier

El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the main source of interannual tropical climate variability with an important effect on global temperature and precipitation. Paleoclimatic evidence supports a relationship between ENSO and solar forcing...
Figure 2. Top: Six-month smoothed monthly sunspot number from SILSO. Bottom: Oceanic El Niño Index from NOAA. Red and blue boxes mark the El Niño and La Niña periods in the repeating pattern. This figure was published in July 2018 in an article at WUWT. Since then the Niño prediction has been confirmed.
Thus I don’t see why you consider excitability and intrinsic oscillation to be mutually exclusive to solar forcing....Your figure 2 where you show ENSO events relative to the recent sunspot cycles, is selective and misses out several major El Niño.
My figure 2 highlights a hidden pattern in ENSO so it can be seen by eye. It is like one of these hidden picture activities for kids.

No point in criticizing the selection, as it is the one that reveals this particular pattern.