Saturday, February 10, 2018


Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #302

THIS WEEK:  By Ken Haapala,  President, 
Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)
Quote of the WeekThe sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. – Galileo Galilei
Solar Changes:
The Canadian Center of Science and Education 
published a paper by researchers at National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences estimating changing solar activity during the Holocene period, going back almost 12,000 years. They do so by estimating sunspot activity from 9455 BC to 1895 AD...
Their analysis indicates a cyclical variation in solar activity of roughly 500 years, [Note, a 500-year solar activity cycle that includes sunspot cycles with changing amplitude, is not inconsistent with the 1,500-year cycle described in the book by Fred Singer and Dennis Avery.]
The publisher is  a fairly notorious vanity press :

This episode recalls both Willie Soon's Chinese pay-for-play journal productions, and  SEPP founder Fred Singer's  bogus 2013 claim  of endorsement of  his Heartland Institute NIPPC report  by the  Chinese  Academy of  Sciences.

Heartland sent Singer to Beijing to launch its (paid) translation, and there he advertised that:
The Chinese Academy Of Science 
will present the new publication in a 
'Ceremony of Climate Change Reconsidered and the Workshop on International Climate Change Science Viewpoints' 

But the Academy presented absolutely nothing- Heartland had merely hired its translation service to render  the report in Mandarin, and the unauthorized  'ceremony'  consisted in Singer adressing an empty hotel room. When the actual  Chinese Academy discovered this  charade, it demanded a retraction and apology.:

"The claim of the Heartland Institute about

 Chinese Academy of Science endorsement

 of its report is completely false.

 If the Heartland Institute does not withdraw its false news or refuse to apologize, all the consequences and liabilities should be borne by the Heartland Institute."

Here they go again-