Monday, December 18, 2023



What the Climate Hoax has really been about

– David Icke Dot Connector Videocast

"Hillary 'Body Count' Clinton is 76 and still pushing the Cult agenda - this time with the 'human-caused climate change' hoax. Kissinger was 100 and still doing it. Why? 

Because these incarnate demons are here to serve their astral demonic masters and they know that when they leave they will soon be back here to continue the job. T
o them is a seamless continuation. Another tell-tale sign of a demon incarnate is to claim to care about humanity while seeking to destroy and enslave them. 

So, yes, we should believe that the demon is genuine here in her concern about the 'deaths' caused by something that she KNOWS is not happening."  

According to  Natural News, Mister Icke became a national spokesperson for the UK Green Party before announcing that the universe consists of 

"vibrational" energy and infinite dimensions and claimed humanity has been genetically hijacked by an inter-dimensional race of beings, the Archons or Anunnaki, to produce a hybrid race of reptilian shape-shifters." 

Icke announced his resignation from the Green Party during its 1991 conference, and was given a standing ovation from the delegates.

A week later he told reporters the world was going to end in 1997 preceded by eruptions in Cuba,  a hurricane in Derry,  an earthquake on the Isle of Arran.  Los Angeles becoming an island, New Zealand disappearing, and the White Cliffs of Dover being underwater by Christmas.

Icke reported in 1991 that police were called to his home after a crowd of over 100 young people gathered outside, chanting "We want the Messiah"...