But Monday saw the daily rise in anthropogenic radiative climate forcing stopped in its tracks. and run backwards. For half a day, the moon's shadow took a bite out of total solar irradiance, and the Mother of All SRM Experiments carved an ungoverned track from the Aleutians across America, and out to the Cape Verde Islands.
The eclipse abstacted some few megajoules per square meter from the day's total solar forcing but calculating the integral is not for the faint of heart, as it must incorporate cloud albedo changes along the whole shadow track, but readers are welcome to try. Above are some model shapshots of what happened over land, and NASA has posted the whole animation
The eclipse abstacted some few megajoules per square meter from the day's total solar forcing but calculating the integral is not for the faint of heart, as it must incorporate cloud albedo changes along the whole shadow track, but readers are welcome to try. Above are some model shapshots of what happened over land, and NASA has posted the whole animation