Friday, November 17, 2017


Opportunity to Advertise on an Iceberg
ST. JOHN'S,  NEWFOUNDLAND / ACCESSWIRE / November 16, 2017 /... 
You've  heard  the expression "it's only the tip of the iceberg;" be the first to own this expression ...

[ Agency 80 Inc. ] a Titanic  Expedition  Logistics Specialist ... can...wrap  or  stage an  advertisement on a real, North Atlantic  Iceberg  with  a  corporate logo  or message.

Every year, thousands of Icebergs float from Greenland Fjords and eventually pass the Newfoundland and Labrador coastline. Size and timing will be monitored to select the best berg for exposure and impact. 

The company will attach the advertising... wrap or otherwise safely over the gigantic berg. For those who are less familiar with the size and magnitude of this offering, the company could safely compare the size of the iceberg to that which sunk the Titanic in 1912.

Company officials ensure that this is a very safe and  environmentally  friendly  procedure  and will  not harm the marine environment... A stunt and safety team will execute the event and any materials used will be removed promptly, ensuring the environment is returned back to its original state.

This  thrilling  venture,  which  could  make the record books, is to be sold  to  the  highest  bidder with  starting bids  at  $500,000  US  plus production costs, with an event date for early 2018... The ideas could include... sending a strong message about global warming or even a marriage proposal.

Due to the magnitude of this event, serious inquiries can be made to our facilitator, via our website: Our facilitator, Allison Crawford, of Agency 80 Inc., will contact those selected for consideration.