Take a deep breath.
The Genome Canada project is gathering data on how much methane comes out of either end of that bovine biogas generator, the cow.
Wired reports:
The Genome Canada project is gathering data on how much methane comes out of either end of that bovine biogas generator, the cow.
Wired reports:
It’s not easy to gather data on how much methane a cow actually produces: You can stick a cow in a closed chamber for a few days, but that’s expensive and interrupts the cow’s daily routine. Some researchers use small backpacks that wrap around a cow’s head and measure how much methane it exhales. Miglior’s lab in Ontario—along with the other farms involved in the project—use a third option: a machine that puts out little cow snacks. Cows like Number 1995 stop by a couple of times a day to take a nibble. When the animal sticks its head in the machine, a vent sucks up a sample of its breath and measures the amount of methane and carbon dioxide.
If the genetic basis of cattle breed emissions can be defined, Canada hopes to take a whack out of the carbon footprint of everything from yogurt to tournedos Rossini by propagating low CH4 genes among the herds of walking windbags roaming Ontario's pastures & Calgary's climate blogs.